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Festival in My Dream (2020)

Project type

Textile Installation Art




Seoul, South Korea

Materials, Size

Mixed media/108cm x 257cm x 184cm

It was a time when my mind and body were exhausted. Many I slept with difficulty and had the dream.
I was flowing in the air like waves and came into somewhere. In that place, it was doing festivals actively in amusement parks.
I enjoyed the festival stepping flower road airily, eating sweet cotton candy, and riding rides.
When I rode an air balloon in the clear sky, I saw people drawing joyful and dynamic lines with their walks. Watching people while floating in the air, felt dreamy even in the dream.
Colourful fireworks embroidered the festival’s night. Soft lights from the rides gave me healing, which I craved in actual life, in the deep of my mind. Thanks to this, I was able to slowly return to my lively daily life.
Festival filled with dreams, why don't you go with me?

마음도 지치고 몸도 지치는 시기에 , 잠에 들면서 , 꿈을 꾸게 되었다 . 나는 허공에 파도를 타듯 흘러가면서 어딘가로 들어가게 되었다 . 활기찬 놀이동산에서 한창 축제를 벌이고 있었다 . 생생하면서도 즐거웠던 그 꿈은 내가 현실생활에서 그토록 바라던 힐링을 마음 속 깊이 받았고 , 활기찬 일상으로 서서히 돌아올 수 있게 하였다 . 꿈 속에서 본 조각들을 이어 붙여 축제의 낮부터 밤까지의 행복한 시간을 엮었다 내가 얻었던 즐겁고 위로가 되었던 기분을 관객과 함께 즐기고 싶다 .

저와 함께 꿈속으로 같이 가시지 않을래요?

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